Monday 30 March 2015

The American Republic

The American Republic.

Rhode Island, and as said Home and to the American Republic.

If American life today, can be said defined truly in all, and in speak of the American Revolution / Revolutionary War (1), the American Civil War (2), the American Reconstruction (3), or speak too of the American Civil Rights Movement (4), or of the American Colonies too (5), this Blog in all again, is said here, inspired in all, and by the American Republic that is.

1, 2, 3, 4, 5 ..... 6

Saturday 10 January 2015

Play by the Ear

Play by the Ear.

Archaic America

Archaic America.

When we do in all speak here, and of Archaic America in all, we are now said to be in search, and for the American Experience in itself that is [and in speak, and of where it is believed said to lie]. For America, does in all even differ from England, and as the American Experience, and as discerned from speak of England, has always been associated, and with speak of the Speechless, while that said to speak of England, has in all ways referred, and to speak of the Spellbound that is.

In referring to America and as mentioned above, it said Archaic that is, the search now and for the American Experience, can in all be said tied down, and to speak in all and of it all said acquainted, and with American Political Terminology, that does speak too of the Revolutionary War, the Civil War, the Reconstruction, the Referendum, Colonial America, the Southern Confederacy, the Civil Rights Movement (Link), JFK, Hollywood (Link), Generation X etc. and as America now, is simply said best associated here, and in Experience too, and with the very term Minority that is.

Speak of the American Experience though and away from Political Terminology in all, now said to refer and to the very term Americana, and which in all has come to be tied down and in speak of Celebratory/Festive life in America that is, and as not said truly associated and with speak of American Literature for instance [but further speak too here, and of an American Education that is]. In all, speak now, and of what does constitute for the American Experience as such, and as now in all perhaps said to speak of American State Legislature, and speak too of American Congressional Identity, and that does in all even speak of America, and as an Industrial Powerhouse in all (Link), but in speak now truly, and of American Wealth, and of American Genealogies too, and as now said referring and to America, and in speak too of the Founding Fathers that is.

America though, does offer much more than the above stated, and in speak now of American Identity, and as now viewed here, and in speak of Heritage, Artifacts and society too that is. That American Heritage, does not only speak of American Architecture, but in all truly, and of American Umbrella terms, and such as the United States, the USA, the United States of America (Link1, Link2), the US, Stateside, the States, the East Coast, the Antebellum South (Link) etc., but speak in all truly again, and of America and as very much associated and with the very terms/words Capitol and Capital, and in speak too and of where the American Experience is simply said to lay that is.

It is in speak though, and of American society, and as now in all even referring and to the American Dollar in itself, that one surprisingly does find American Identity, and as not only said Federal in all, but interestingly enough, and as tied and to speak of the Smithsonian Museum in itself for instance, and as said in all even speaking of American History, and as with regards to speak of Aerospace Research in all again, and if not American society in itself truly. In all, America now, and as not described an Industrial Powerhouse here, but in all ways truly, and as said a Superpower that is. It is here and now and in all again, and just where in all, American Identity and in Experience, is said not only to speak of Immigrants, but speak of it now and as said merging with that said European, African, Caribbean, South American and if not Canadian too, and in speak too of a Media explosion in America, and that does in all even associate 'Funk Music' for instance, and with the American Experience in History, and falsely so, but in speak in all again and of American Museums, Private or Public, and as said to speak of society too, does speak now of the Dollar, American, and as said enshrined perhaps, and not in the Federal Reserve so to speak, but in speak now and of American Identity, and as said Corporate, and if not as associated and with names/terminology, and such as WASP, Euro-American, Afro-American, Caribbean-American, Canadian-American, Australian-American, American Immigres etc., and such that, American Wealth and in speak of Dollars here, does in all even speak of American Corporations, and if not American Multi-Nationals too that is. In all, American Identity and in Experience, and as said circumvented, and  away from speak of the Smithsonian Museum, and as said here a generic American Experience too, and towards speak of Conventional Media, Immigrants and Corporations too in all. In all again, the American Government, and as said losing influence, and in further speak here of Prestige too, and in speak now and of the defining of American Lifestyles that is, and as said losing influence, and to speak of Media Houses, the Court System in itself, and if not speak of the Federal Reserve / IRS in itself too that is.

This post though, does very much have to do, and with the very belief that, the above mentioned in all, and in speak of the American Experience that is, and as said in all and to refer and to American Media, and as said rather diverse in its ways too, is now said to speak too and of American Identity and at the County and if not Local level too (Link) that is, but that in all ways truly, the above does not speak of American Identity, and as truly in all said National in its ways that is. That American Nationalism is very much said here truly alive, and as said in all and to refer and to the so termed perhaps, United States Armed Forces, but that in all again, the American Experience and as said to speak of Nationalism and the National too, now said grounded in all, and in speak too of American Artifacts that is. It is here interestingly enough, and in speak now and of what is believed to speak in many a way, and of discrimination in America, that one finds in all, that American Nationalism, now tied in many a way too, and to speak of Native American Identity in America, African-American Identity in America, and if not speak of Famed American Figures in all that is, and as with they in all even associated, and with speak of American Artifacts in themselves that is. In all, American Identity and in Experience, and as tied down and to speak of American Artifacts, now referring in all again and to speak of American Private Holdings / Equity Firms, but in helping put all this into a perspective and that does make sense, speak now and of American Artifacts, and as simply here in all again said to speak, and of the Gibson / Les Paul Guitars in all for instance, and in speak too and of the very Music associated with them all that is.