Saturday 31 May 2014

The Big, the Small & the Medium

The Big, the Small & the Medium.

The Big, the Small & the Medium. For many an Immigrant and to the United States of America today, or speak even and of many a disenfranchised Minority too, perhaps a big problem in all, and as with regards and to having a Historical view, and to ones environs that is. That this in all, does in many a way speak even of, and of what is believed said to be the true History in all again, and of the United States of America too that is.

To better understand all this, and as a Photo-Journalist probably would, is to in all again speak of Small-sized, Medium-sized and Large-sized (Big) Cities/Towns  and in the United States of America too. To speak then in all, and of the challenges and that one will/does face in all, and in attempting to adopt or acclimatize in all again, and to American life, is to in all ways even speak of what does stand for acceptance, and in American society, and as with it even differing in all, and in Big, Medium and Small sized Cities/Towns too that is. All this too, and as with it all even, speaking of American Conventional Media [or speak too, and of many a poster perhaps, and as going along, and with an advertised success Image that is][or further speak too, and of the highly serialized 'Friends' TV Show that is].

In all, to speak of Small-sized American Cities/Towns, is to in all ways even tell one in all that, it is they in many a way, and who are truly responsible, and for America's Arts Industries [and as with they said even, and to speak of Entertainment too]. In all again, Small-sized American Cities/Towns, and as with they even believed in all, and to have a Historical perspective to them, and that does speak even and of the American Civil War, and the History in all again, and of Slavery in the United States of America [and as an Institution too that is], and in many a way in all again, speak even and of the denizens of these places in all, and as attempting even, and to simply uplift themselves too that is [and further speak too of Eminem here for instance]. 

To speak of Large-sized American Cities in all, and such as Chicago, New York or even Los Angeles too, is to in many a way even, associate their rise, and with many a Cult figure [and one too in all, and as said even, and as being of the criminal mind that is][and further speak too for example, and of the Chicago Crime syndicates for instance], and as with they in all, attempting in all too even, and to upstage society in all again, and in speak of Name, Fame and Success in itself too actually [and in a Big-City America, and as ruled over in all, and by many a rather even, Elitist Family Network that is]. For many an Immigrant in all again, and as with attempting to give them a sense of belonging and to Large-sized America too, is to perhaps recommend in all again, the very poetic works, and of Hart Crane too that is.

This Blog though, is targeted in all mainly, and to those in all agan and who do in all even wish to settle, and in Mid-Sized American Cities too that is [and with Minneapolis, a recommended 'start' to all this]. To put Mid-size American Cities and into a Historical perspective, is to associate them in all, and with the American Revolutionary War too, and as with it all even going along, and with speak of American Cultural Profiles [and not Cultural Images specifically either][and Cultural Profiles too, and as believed even, to very much go along and with this very Blog too that is].

Revolutionary War America: